Peter Sherratt - Cumbrian Novelist


Peter Sherratt

Peter very sadly succumbed to the COVID-19 virus and died, very
peacefully, at the Royal Infirmary, Lancaster on 4th April 2020.

By all accounts he was fairly annoyed about that.

Peter was a retired management consultant. He claimed that he squandered much of his career writing mind-bogglingly boring business reports and studies.

Ten years ago he freaked out and turned to writing and producing pantomimes in his village in Cumbria. That was much more fun.

He descended even further into the abyss, writing in a variety of genres, mostly romantic novels.


"Cornish Princess" and " River Song" were published earlier in 2018 followed by "GIRL in a TREE", early in 2019.

Castle Ruins , Peter's latest and final book, is a romantic novel set in Cumbria. It is now available as a paperback from Amazon or as an Ebook on Kindle.